Thanks So Much "I'd rather have a cupcake" for the "Adorable Blag Award" You are too sweet.. well sometimes!
Ten Things about MOI;
1) Im a Proud Mom and Step Mom.. To the two coolest (is that a word?) kids in the whole wide world!
Evangeline (We call her Bevi..long story) & Ethan (We call him Ethan, lol)
2) I am from the East Coast of Canada.. A Provence called NEWFOUNDLAND.. It is so beautiful and has its very own culture.. A must visit! Its like no other. Its Population is 509, 298 and is 108, 860 square km in size. There is so much nature, Ocean and tranquility. A great place to "Get away from it all"
Here is St. Johns, Newfoundland, the capital, consisting of a grand total of 150,000.. BEAUTIFUL!And no im not a fishermen!

3) I have a dangerous addiction to all natural Peanut butter .. AHHHHHH I sneak a spoonful about three times a day (Not sure who im hiding from..) and would eat it on just about everything if I could..
4) I dream every single night and remember every single dream.. Most times they are really messed up.. Like Stephen King book scary! Am I a wacko?
5) I am probably the single person is world that haven't watched the movie .. FOREST GUMP!!

Sorry Tom Hanks... One day, one day..
6) I secretly (not so secret now) wish I had Cameron Diaz's legs.. (Shes a bit of a twit but great legs)

7) I often pretend I have to run an errand so I can go for a drive and listen to music really loud and sing at the top of my lungs.. Most often its country music. There has been a time or two I forgot that Nathan was in the car with me and I busted out the fake mic (banana, water bottle) whatever I have access to.. and gave it all I had.. Poor Nathan, he cringes and I think he gets a little embarrassed for me.
8) I have a matching tattoo with my bestest friend! Yes we got it in our twenties.. dare you to make fun of us!
It Says La Bella Vida. Its on our left lower hip/Upper thigh. Just under the underwear line. Love it:)
- 9) We just moved into our new house in December. I LOVE IT. Mainly because we got to pick almost everything in the house (Joys of getting a house built). I just wish I have a zillion dollars to decorate it just like "Nate Berkus" would. Well kinda, some of his ideas are wonky. My new digs...
and last but not least.....
10) I have been running for years now and have been planning to run a 1/2 marathon and keep backing out last min. ARG! I have diagnosed myself with a phobia of running races. Not sure why? So I am running my very first 1/2 Marathon in October.. YES I AM THIS TIME AND I CANT FRIGGIN WAIT!! Little Bevi will be there to cheer me on:) Go mommy Go!
Or maybe I can just steal my BFF Aleashas metal and pretend I ran it.. kidding Aleasha! SEE U IN OCTOBER TORONTO 1/2 MARATHON.
*I cant nominate anyone right now.. sorry.. I dont have followers yet:( Im too new to the blogging world. As soon as I do, I'll pass on this award with bells on!
So here are the rules to this
The rules:
- Thank the person and link them in your post.
- Tell ten things about yourself.
- Nominate your bloggers.
- Go to their blogs and let them know you've given them an award!